Autism Spectrum Disorder and Dental Service Provision Survey
Can you help improve dental services for those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
During recent engagement activities, a number of community members and professionals working within the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector (VCSE) have fed back concerns with the accessibility of, and care provided by the dental service provision for people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Stockton-on-Tees locality.
Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees are actively gathering further intelligence from local residents concerned or impacted by this potential issue, to scope if this is a wider problem in local health services, by working in partnership with other organisations including Daisy Chain and Stockton United For Change (SUFC).
The intelligence gathered may form the part of a future work plan investigation conducted by Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees.
Alternatively, you can email any feedback at or ring our office at 01642 688312 and speak with a member of staff. Paper and large print versions of the survey are available upon request