Grants Assistance
There may be times in our lives when we need a little extra help to assist with a particular problem. You may be finding it hard to feed and clothe your family following redundancy or a long-term illness, or you may be experiencing debt or hardship because of circumstances beyond your control. Whatever the situation, you may be entitled some assistance or a grant.
There may be further help available under the BENEFITS section of this site. If you are struggling on your current income there are a few agencies who may be able to assist. If you need help managing on a low income, you may get help with budgeting through our MANAGING YOUR MONEY section. If you are struggling with debts, please visit our DEBT section.
Stockton Emergency Food Aid Information
Catalyst have produced a series of leaflets giving details of where you can obtain food, toiletries and other items in an emergency.
For details of where you can get an emergency food parcel, click here
For information on where you can get a hot meal, either free or for a small fee, click here, here and here
...and for details of Community Pantries and Ecoshops, click here
Source: Catalyst
Billingham & Stockton Borough Food Bank
The Trussell Trust foodbank network works in partnership with local churches and organisations to bring foodbanks to communities across the UK. You will usually have to obtain a voucher to obtain a food parcel which you can get through care professionals such as doctors, health visitors and social workers, and also Citizens Advice.
Find out more information here
Source: Billingham & Stockton Borough Food Bank
The Moses Project
The Project provides daily support, mentoring and activities for hundreds of men who have become disengaged from society, perhaps because of their addictions or unforeseen circumstances such as unemployment or mental illness. Every day we serve cooked meals (Mince & Dumplings, Pasta Bakes etc – cooked by our volunteers) and prepare food parcels for the needy.
Find out more information here
Source: Moses Project
Salvation Army
The food distributed in each food parcel is paid for by donations to The Salvation Army churches (Corps), including some from other local churches. Salvation Army churches also fundraise throughout the year. Parcels are made up of such non-perishable items as tinned food and items such as bread, cheese and butter are kept in the freezer until needed. Parcels may also include basic toiletries.
Find out more information here
Source: Salvation Army
The Bread and Butter Thing
Beginning 12th September 2023, The Bread and Butter Thing is a new initiative offering weekly groceries at a fraction of High Street prices. In Stockton, it will be operating out of the Salvation Army centre on Palmerston Street, as well as locations in Thornaby, Billingham and Newtown. For more information, visit or download a leaflet here.
Source: The Bread and Butter Thing
Back on Track: Crisis Support for Daily Living Expenses
Crisis support is available if you are 16 or over, a resident of Stockton Borough and have no other means of financial assistance. Support can include:
- Referral to a food bank.
- Referral to appropriate support and welfare services and local community organisations for clothing and baby consumables e.g. nappies and milk.
Find out more information here
Source: Stockton Borough Council
Back on Track: Crisis Support for Daily Living Expenses
Crisis support is available if you are 16 or over, a resident of Stockton Borough and have no other means of financial assistance. Support can include a referral to appropriate support and welfare services and local community organisations for clothing and baby consumables e.g. nappies and milk.
Find out more information here
Source: Stockton Borough Council
Help for Families With Disabled Children
The Family Fund is the UK’s largest provider of grants to low-income families raising disabled- and seriously ill children and young people. They help ease the additional pressures families face, and can help with essential items such as washing machines, fridges and clothing but can also consider grants for sensory toys, computers and much-needed family breaks together.
Find out more information here
Source: The Family Fund
School Uniform Grants
Stockton Borough Council is no longer able to offer School Uniform Grants, as government funding has been withdrawn.
Your child’s school may be able to offer some assistance, particularly if you are in receipt of Free School Meals; please contact the school directly to discuss further.
School Meals
School meals are available to all primary school children within the Borough. Stockton Borough Council also provide school meals for several secondary schools.
For details on eligibility and how to apply click here
Source: Stockton Borough Council
School Travel
Stockton Council is required to provide home to school transport, under certain conditions. Our Community Transport Service is responsible for the management of Home to School transport for children who qualify for free transport from mainstream and special education needs, from primary school age up to 19 years old.
Find out more information here
Source: Stockton Borough Council
Financial Support for Students
For information on grants and bursaries that may be available to students aged 16 to 19, click here
Source: Stockton Information Directory
Help with household items
Need help to obtain household items? Download forms here to complete by hand, or complete online to apply for assistance.
For details on who can assist and to obtain application forms please click here
Source: Charis Grants
Teesside Emergency Relief Fund
Teesside Emergency Relief Fund (TERF) is an emergency grant fund to assist individuals. Any applications for clients in the Stockton-on-Tees area MUST go through Stockton & District Advice & Information Service. The Fund is focused on supporting individuals facing crisis and this must be evident in the application. The Fund will provide items to ensure applicants have something to sleep on; something to cook hot food with; something to store food and medication in safely; suitable means to keep warm, dry and healthy.
Find out more information here
Source: Tees Valley Community Foundation
Back on Track: Settlement Support
Back on Track: Settlement Support is available if you are 16 or over, a resident of Stockton borough (or moving into Stockton borough as part of a planned resettlement programme) and have no other means of financial assistance. Support can include:
- Recycled white goods
- Recycled furniture
- Carpets
- Kitchen equipment
Find out more information here
Source: Stockton Borough Council
Help for families with disabled children
We are the UK’s largest provider of grants to low-income families raising disabled and seriously ill children and young people. We help ease the additional pressures families face. We can help with essential items such as washing machines, fridges and clothing but can also consider grants for sensory toys, computers and much needed family breaks together.
Find out more information here
Source: The Family Fund
Help obtaining televisions, radios and CD players
WaveLength gives TVs and radios to isolated and lonely people living in poverty. Applications must be supported by a third party, known as a referee.
Find out more information here
Source: WaveLength
Grants to help you pay your energy bills
If you’re struggling to afford your energy bills, you might be able to take advantage of certain benefits, grants and help offered by the government and energy suppliers.
For more information click here.
Source: Citizens Advice
Emergency Assistance with Energy Bills
In certain circumstances, Stockton Citizens Advice (S.D.A.I.S.) can offer emergency assistance to people struggling with the cost of energy.
For more information, click here
Source: S.D.A.I.S.
Find energy grants and ways to improve your energy efficiency
You might be eligible for help with your energy bills or to make your home more energy efficient.
Find out more information here
Warm Home Discount Scheme
If you are a pensioner or are classed as a vulnerable customer, you may be entitled to extra help with your gas and electricity bills during the winter months, including the Warm Home Discount Scheme.
This link explains what the Warm Home Discount Scheme is, who is eligible, and how to claim it.
Find out more information here
Back on Track: Crisis Support for Daily Living Expenses
Crisis support is available if you are 16 or over, a resident of Stockton Borough and have no other means of financial assistance. Support can include a voucher for energy costs (up to a maximum of 7 days).
Find out more information here
Source: Stockton Borough Council
Grants and support for energy efficiency
Whether you are insulating your home, replacing your boiler or installing a renewable technology such as solar panels, there is help and support available.
Click here for details on the support and different grants available.
Source: Energy Saving Trust
Gas, Electricity or Water Debt?
Need help with utility debt, other essential priority bills or household items? Download forms here to complete by hand, or complete online to apply for assistance.
Use this website to search for details on who can assist and obtain application forms.
Source: Charis Grants
Stockton-on-Tees Home Improvement Agency
Stockton Borough Council’s Home Improvement Agency is a not-for-profit service funded and supported by the Council for residents across Stockton-on-Tees. We provide advice, support and assistance to elderly, disabled and vulnerable people who own and live in their own property, or to those in privately rented or housing association accommodation (where the provider does not offer a similar service and specific eligibility criteria are not met).
We can help to repair, improve, maintain or adapt the home to meet changing needs. The purpose of the service is to help people to remain independent, warm, safe and secure at home.
To download a leaflet about this service click here
Source: Stockton-on-Tees Home Improvement Agency
Disabled Facilities Grants
A disabled facilities grant is a grant that you can get through Stockton Borough Council for work that is essential to help a disabled person live an independent life.
Find out more information here
Source: Stockton Borough Council
Helping Hand Loan Scheme
For more information on the scheme click here
Source: Five Lamps
Help with health costs if you are on a low income
If you have difficulty in meeting your health costs and do not qualify for any other kind of assistance, you may be able to get help under the NHS low income scheme. The amount of help you get will depend on the amount of income you have. For more details on health costs please visit our HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE section.
Find out more information here
Source: NHS Business Services Authority
Help for families with disabled children
The Family Fund is the UK’s largest provider of grants to low-income families raising disabled and seriously ill children and young people, and provide help to ease the additional pressures families face. The Family Fund can help with essential items such as washing machines, fridges and clothing but can also consider grants for sensory toys, computers and much-needed family breaks together.
Find out more information here
Source: The Family Fund
Assistance to Visit Someone in Prison
If you're 18 or over, you may be eligible for help with the cost of visiting a partner or close relative in prison.
Find out more information here
The Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme
You may be able to claim a refund under the 'Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme' (HTCS) of the cost of travelling to hospital or other NHS premises for NHS-funded treatment or diagnostic test arranged by a doctor or dentist.
Find out more information here
Source: NHS
School Travel
Stockton Council is required to provide home to school transport, under certain conditions. The Council's Community Transport Service is responsible for the management of Home to School transport for children who qualify for free transport from mainstream- and special needs schools from primary school age up to 19 years old.
Find out more information here
Source: Stockton Borough Council
The links below are to national websites. Both the Royal British Legion and SSAFA are SWAN members. You can access information about local services by clicking on FIND LOCAL AGENCIES WHO CAN HELP.
Grants and Support for Veterans, Serving Members of the Armed Forces and Their Dependents
The Royal British Legion can provide support to serving- and ex-service people and their dependents who are suffering financially. They are also there for those who need urgent assistance to get through a temporary crisis, such as homelessness.
Click here to find out what help is available.
Source: Royal British Legion
SSAFA provide lifelong support to anyone who is currently serving or has ever served in the Royal Navy, British Army or Royal Air Force, and their family.
Find out more information here
Source: SSAFA
Support for Armed Services Personnel
Leaving the armed forces can have a huge impact on your life and that of your family. Not only must you find a new job and housing, but also settle your family into schools, jobs and social activities. A wide range of services are available from Stockton Council that can help with your resettlement.
Find out more information here
Source: Stockton Borough Council
If you have found no relevant help to match your circumstances in the information in this section, you may wish to look at other directories which hold more information about grants and assistance that is available.
Turn2us helps people in financial need gain access to charitable grants and other financial help – online, by phone and face to face through our partner organisations.
Find out more information here
Source: Turn2Us
Stockton Information Directory
The Directory contains information on organisations that may help residents of Stockton Borough.
Find out more information here
Source: Stockton Information Directory
Grants for individuals living in Stockton Borough
This link takes you to information about grants available for those living in the Stockton Borough. They include information on grants for further education.
Source: Tees Valley Community Foundation
Grants for individuals
This link allows you to enter your search criteria and a list of available grants from charities is shown. Further information is given on how to apply.
Source: Directory of Social Change
We have provided a variety of tools below to help you with your problem but if you still need help, you can click on FIND LOCAL AGENCIES WHO CAN HELP YOU for information about local agencies who may be able to assist you further.
Please click on the links below to be taken to your desired section.
Back on Track (Stockton Borough Council)
Phone for more information on how to apply to the fund
Telephone: 01642 524180
Citizens Advice
Advice by phone is available from Citizens Advice
Telephone: 0808 278 7986
The Home Heat Helpline
The Home Heat Helpline is a service for vulnerable customers struggling to pay their bills. It is funded by the energy suppliers, and provides information on grants, payment schemes and benefits that may be available as well as basic advice about energy efficiency.
Telephone: 0800 336699 (freephone)
The Royal British Legion
The British Legion helps serving and ex serving members of the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force and ex-Service men and women, their carers and families
Telephone: 0808 802 8080
Stockton Borough Council
School Uniform Grant and Meals: Telephone 01642 526606
School Transport: Telephone 01642 527117
Billingham Food Bank
Billingham foodbank provides emergency food and support to local people in crisis
Charis Grants
Charis provides expertly tailored financial relief programmes, facilitating corporate provision through a variety of solutions to individuals and families in financial hardship. They design, develop and deliver financial relief schemes that allow businesses to reduce their costs of helping vulnerable customers, achieve corporate goals and reduce their administrative burden.
Citizens Advice
The Adviceguide website is the main public information service of Citizens Advice, providing people with round-the-clock access to CAB information on their rights - including benefits, housing and employment, as well as on debt, consumer and legal issues.
Directory of Social Change
The Directory of Social Change (DSC) is an independent charity with a vision of an independent voluntary sector at the heart of social change. We achieve this by providing essential information and training to the voluntary sector to enable charities to achieve their mission.
Energy Savings Trust
Energy Saving Trust helps householders, governments, businesses and organisations save energy.
Family Fund
The Family Fund is the UK’s largest provider of grants to low-income families raising disabled and seriously ill children and young people. They help ease the additional pressures families face and can help with essential items such as washing machines, fridges and clothing but can also consider grants for sensory toys, computers and much-needed family breaks together.
Five Lamps
Five Lamps delivers an integrated range of social, economic and financial inclusion services within which we seek to transform lives, raise aspiration, remove barriers and offer choice.
The websites of all government departments and many other agencies and public bodies
Home Improvement Agency
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council’s Home Improvement Agency is a not-for-profit service funded and supported by the Council for residents across Stockton-on-Tees. It provides advice, support and assistance to elderly, disabled and vulnerable people who own and live in their own property, or those in privately rented or housing association accommodation (where the provider does not offer a similar service and specific eligibility criteria are not met). Help is available to repair, improve, maintain or adapt the home to meet changing needs. The purpose of the service is to help people to remain independent, warm, safe and secure at home.
Moses Project
The Moses Project is a registered charitable company which provides guidance, mentoring and support to hundreds of adult males with past and current addictions to drugs and alcohol. The men usually live in chaotic circumstances and are suffering the consequences of long-term substance abuse.
For everything you need to know about NHS Choices, its services and how to get the most out of it, click the link below.
Royal British Legion
The British Legion give support to anyone who is currently serving or has ever served in the British Army, Royal Navy or Royal Air Force. They are also there for family of current- and ex-service people.
Salvation Army
The United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland is part of the wider international Salvation Army, which is at work in 126 countries, demonstrating Christian principles through practical support; offering unconditional friendship, and very practical help to people of all ages, backgrounds and needs.
Stockton Borough Council
Local Authority website for the Stockton Borough
Stockton Information Directory
Local information directory from Stockton Borough Council
SSAFA provide lifelong support to anyone who is currently serving or has ever served in the British Army, Royal Navy or Royal Air Force. They are also there for family of current- and ex-service people.
Tees Valley Community Fund
Tees Valley Community Foundation (previously known as Cleveland Community Foundation) was established in 1988 with £1 million match funding from the Charities Aid Foundation/Mott Bank Challenge Fund. It is one of several community foundations located across the UK that are dedicated to empowering local communities to address disadvantage and exclusion. The Foundation awards grants to the community and local people who are passionate about making a difference.
Turn2us is a free service that helps people in financial need to access welfare benefits, charitable grants and other financial help – online, by phone and face to face through our partner organisations.
WaveLength gives TVs and radios to isolated and lonely people living in poverty.